The Best In-Person and Virtual Teacher Gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week!

National Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up! In 2021, Teacher Appreciation Week starts on Monday, May 3rd, and ends on Friday, May 7th.
You’ve still got time to decide what gift you want to give to your favorite teacher, but we decided to help you out by providing a list of the best gift ideas for both in-person and virtual teachers in 2021.
After all, it’s never too early to start gift shopping! Also, you parents out there can use this guide as well, if you want your little ones to get a gift for their elementary school teacher.
Bird Feeder [In-Person or Virtual]
Any teacher who is a fan of the outdoors and nature will love this gift. Plus, by the time the beginning of May comes around, the weather should be getting very nice and the birds should be returning from their southern journey.
If you’re getting this gift for a virtual teacher, you can always buy it online and have it shipped to their home!
Book [In-Person or Virtual]
Looking to get a gift for your favorite English teacher? It’s probably a safe assumption that they love to read, so why not get them some new material? If you like reading as well, then you can get them one of your favorite books, or you can look online for recommendations.
If you’re seriously having trouble picking out a book to get them, then you could always settle for an Amazon Prime or a Barnes & Noble gift card. A personal book recommendation would probably mean a lot to them though!
You could even write a personal note on the inside of the front cover of the book you picked out for them. That way they’ll be reminded of you every time they decide to read the book again!
Candy [In-Person]
Candy is a no-brainer. Almost everybody has a favorite candy, whether it’s chocolatey or fruity. There are just so many options available. Candy makes for a great companion gift to go alongside another one.
You may have to do a little sleuthing to figure out what their favorite candy is. You can keep an eye on them while they’re snacking in between classes or ask other teachers if they can provide some insight.
If you want to get creative with this gift, there are a ton of ideas online that you can take inspiration from!
Classroom Decorations [In-Person]
Teachers love to decorate their classrooms with all kinds of fun posters, pictures, and inspirational quotes. After all, they have to spend a TON of time there. They don’t want it to look boring!
Consider picking up some decorations for their classroom, or you could make your own! You could come to school early (you may need to get permission from administration) and decorate their door with a big thank you poster. There are a lot of options here.
Coffee [In-Person]
We would probably wager a bet that the majority of your teachers like (or need) to drink coffee. Being a teacher isn’t easy. There are a lot of early mornings and a lot of late nights. Sometimes they need that extra caffeine kick to get the last of those math tests graded.
Just keep in mind that there are a couple of options here. Some people primarily use coffee pods; some people brew it in a pot every day; others get it from coffee shops. You might want to look into this before you commit to a gift.
This gift is probably better suited for in-person, but in today’s world, you can buy almost anything online and have it shipped to somebody’s home.
Flowers [In-Person]
Flowers are a classic choice. They’re an excellent way to beautify a classroom, a dining table, a bathroom, pretty much anything. Just don’t send them in the mail. Flowers are a lot less gorgeous when they’re crushed and ragged.
Gift Cards [In-Person or Virtual]
Okay, sure. We admit that gift cards aren’t the most creative gift. But come on… who receives a gift card and is disappointed that they received free money? Gift cards are awesome because they’re such a safe bet.
You can get a gift card basically anywhere… gas stations (almost everyone has to buy gas), a coffee shop, their favorite restaurant. If you want your gift card to have more of a personal touch, you can center it around their interests.
For example, if your teacher is a movie buff, you could get them a gift card to your local movie theater. Nowadays, you can send gift cards via email, making them a perfect choice for a socially-distanced gift.
Good Old-Fashioned Card or Letter [In-Person or Virtual]
It doesn’t get much better than this. A hand-written letter or card is a personal gesture that any teacher is sure to appreciate. You can thank them personally for all they have done or reflect on memories made in their class.
For you parents out there, this a great chance to instruct your child on the basics of writing a letter. Of course, a letter or card can be given alongside another gift as well. Deliver your letter in person if you want or send it in the mail!
Homemade Treats or Meals [In-Person]
This is yet another personal gesture. A homemade treat or meal shows that you put a lot of effort into your teacher’s gift. There are a ton of different options here as well.
You could go with a tried-and-true favorite like chocolate chip cookies, brownies, or blueberry muffins, or make something more unorthodox like a quiche, a lasagna, or guacamole. The possibilities are basically endless.
Of course, we would be remiss if we didn’t make note that you have to worry about allergies and making sure they have a place to store the food.
You may want to talk to your teacher beforehand and make sure that they have a fridge at school to store their food in. Ask them if they have any allergies that you would have to worry about (assuming they don’t mind sharing). Otherwise, this is an excellent gift!
Journal or Notebook [In-Person or Virtual]
During this era of online and socially-distanced learning, stress levels are high as both students and teachers try to adapt to the new normal. Journaling is a great way for teachers to relieve stress and think their way through particular situations.
Take a look at Nottai’s selection of beautifully-designed, personalized journals and notebooks. We’re bound to have a design that will resonate with your teacher and you can even personalize them with their first and last name.
This gift can be delivered in person or sent in the mail too!
Teaching Supplies [In-Person or Virtual]
A teacher’s gotta teach of course, and you can help them out by getting them a little care package full of extra school and teaching supplies. This can include whatever you think they may need: pencils, pens, whiteboard markers, paper clips, staples, a hole-punch.
Whatever you decide, they’re sure to be grateful for the supply boost!
Soda [In-Person]
Lots of people love soda, and teachers are no exception. If you notice your teacher likes to drink a particular kind throughout the day, consider picking them up a six or twelve-pack of cans to help satisfy their craving!
Tea [In-Person]
As we mentioned earlier, this school year has been a stressful one for teachers, thanks to the coronavirus and online learning and whatnot. A selection of calming teas can help alleviate some of that stress and soothe their nerves.
You could pick out a combination of green tea, black tea, herbal tea, and so many more. A nice selection of tea will surely come in handy after a full week of grading and teaching.
Water Bottle [In-Person or Virtual]
It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day, and having a great water bottle on hand can encourage people to drink more H2O as the days wear on. There are some seriously nice water bottles out there, such as the ones that keep the water inside cold and refreshing.
If you’re having trouble deciding on a gift to give your teacher, a quality water bottle is always a safe bet.
Check Out Nottai’s Selection of Personalized Journals and Notebooks!
After a crazy year of virtual school and trying to keep everybody safe and sound, let’s make Teacher Appreciation Week 2021 the best one there ever was.
Show teachers the appreciation they deserve with some of the gift ideas listed above. They work really hard to make sure you (or your kids) get the education you need to succeed!
Also, we recommend checking out our selection of themed journals and notebooks. A little bit of journaling can do everybody some good, especially during these tough times. Consider getting one for yourself too!
Personalized journals and notebooks from Nottai!
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